Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of Religion

An Institute of the Center for Mind and Culture

IBCSR is a research institute handling religion-focused research within the Center for Mind and Culture.

Science On features news on the scientific study of religion, book reviews, and videos.

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Religion, Brain & Behavior is the flagship journal in the bio-cultural study of religion, discounted for IBCSR members.

IBCSR and High-Level Education

IBCSR has a close relationship with Boston University, which is the home of a cutting-edge, multi-faceted PhD program in religion and science. This degree covers the scientific study of religion, empirical psychology of religion, philosophy and history of the religion-science relationship, religion and science dialogue issues, and spirituality and health research. IBCSR contributes resources and training opportunities to several phases of that degree program.

Pictured below is IBCSR Research Fellow Kirk Wegter-McNelly's board work part way through the derivation of the central inequality in Bell's Theorem—the theorem that paved the way for experiments that demonstrated the necessity of non-locality in physics. This line of investigation has had a revolutionary effect on our understanding of the natural world, and poses significant challenges for philosophical and religious interpretations of nature.




IBCSR Research Review

IBCSR Research Review is a free monthly email newsletter surveying all recent work in the bio-cultural study of religion and in spirituality & health research. Register here after answering a simple anti-bot question.
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